Monday, October 11, 2010

Malaysia Day

Malysia Day is held on September 16 every year to commemorate the establishment of the Malaysia federation on the same date in 1963. It marked the joining together of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore to form Malaysia. The formation of the new federation was planned to occur on June 1, 1963, but was later postponed to August 31, 1963, in order to coincide with the sixth Hari Merdeka. Several issues related to the Indonesia and the Filipino objection to the formation of Malaysia delayed the declaration to September 16 of the same year. The postponement was also done to allow the United Nation team time to conduct referendums in North Borneo (which is now called Sabah) and Sarawak regarding the two states participation in a new federation.

The formation of Malaysia was made possible through the introduction of the Malaysia Bill to the Malayan Parliament on July 9, 1963, and consent from the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong on August 29, 1963.

Prior to the formation of Malaysia, Singapore and North Borneo unilaterally declared independence from the United Kingdom on August 31, 1963, thus coinciding with the sixth anniversary of the Malayan independent.

Beginning year 2010, September 16 is a federal public holiday.

Monday, September 27, 2010


The traditional culinary style has been greatly influenced by the long-ago traders from neighboring countries. Malaysia is unique with its various culture and ethnics. There are variety of foods that are available in Malaysia.

Popular Malaysian's dishes may include :


Nasi Dagang
Nasi Dagang literally means "Trading Rice". It is a well-known breakfast food in the states on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia such as Terengganu and Kelantan. The most famous Nasi dagang of Terengganu comes from Kampung Ladang, an area within the Kuala Terengganu district. Nasi Dagang can also be considered as a festive dish in Kelantan because it is prepared at home for the morning of Eid Ul-Fitr, a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadhan to be eaten as a breakfast before or after the Eid prayers in the mosque. Today, Nasi Dagang has become a commercialized dish and is eaten by everybody across the country and is eaten anytime. Nasi Dagang is made from red glutinous rice. It is eaten with its own specially made side dishes such as tuna fish curry, chicken curry, hard boiled egg, sambal and a light vegetable pickles.

Keropok lekor/keping ikan
Keropok ikan is popular and the most visible fried snack in Terengganu. It is made of fish meat, ground to a paste, and mixed with sago. It comes in two main different form, the long chewy ones and in slices (keping). Keropok is best eaten with its speacial chili dip.

Laksa is a popular spicy noodle soup from the Peranakan culture, which is a merger of Chinese and Malay elements found in Malaysia. There are two basic types of laksa, that is curry laksa and asam laksa. Curry laksa is a coconut curry soup with noodles, while asam laksa is a sour fish soup with noodles. Thick rice noodles are most commonly used, although thin rice vermicelli is also common and some variant use other types.
Laksa is eaten with a gravy made of fish meat and is made in various taste and flavour.

Steamed seafood dumplings with shark's fin, steamed soft noodles with shrimps, steamed crabsticks stuffes with fish paste, deep-fried dumplings with salted eggs and red bean paste..
The dim sum has more than 30 items and includes delight such as the baked egg custard pan-fried carrot cake, baked cake with sausage and turkey ham, steamed seafood dumplings with shark's fin, steamed soft noodles with shrimps and vary promising-sounding steamed fresh super prawn dumplings.

Spices are the heart and soul of Indian cooking.Paratha is rich, flaky and flavored with gee. It can be eaten as an accompaniment or by itself, filled with potatoes and peas. Capathi is another leavened bread. It resembles flat disc has a delightful flavor and chewy texture. Tandoori dishes are the most popular main courses. Tandoori chicken is always a favorite, where a whole baby chicken quartereas are roasted in the clay oven for several hours in advance and then finished off in the barbecue.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010



(Business Academic Camp)
On 7th to 9th August 2010, Business Society Club held an academic camp for Part 1 Business and Banking students. It was held at Sri Gading Camp, Uitm Jengka Pahang Campus. There were about 200 students from Part 1 and about 30 facilitators involved in this camping. The facilitators were among the members of Business Society Club and seniors from Business Faculty.

The objectives of this camp is to teach new students how to be independent and organize themselves. They also learn the spirit of team building with their team members. This activity is organize every semesters as one of the club programs for the whole semester. There are also any other activities conducted by Business Society Club that involved lectures and students such as faculty orientation and 'superb' (sukan perpaduan universiti). These programs are specially for Business Faculty students.

During the camping, there were a lot of activities conducted by the club members such as LDK, jungle trekking, night walk, slow drop, telematches and cultural night. All the activities were so exciting and enjoyable. The participants were so satisfied with all the activities. They hope that they can join this activity on other time. At the same time, it took a limited time to conduct activities because the participants must take their account test during the second day of the camping. However, it does not affect their mood to enjoy and have fun during the camp.

First Day

Part 1 students gathered at the parking space near the academic blocks..

The journey begins..

Errand through the forest..

Finally arrived at the camp site!!

Performing jamaah prayer..

Dinner time..

Night activity..
Second Day
Group ice breaking..

Playing games..


Cultural Night..

Last Day

Farewell Buzzac!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


salam lebaran to all muslim around the world...
fasting month had left us and it is time for us to celebrate eid
hope everyone enjoy their eid and eat a lot of 'lemang' and 'ketupat'
don't forget to ask forgiveness from family and relatives
eid is also the time we can help the poor by paying 'zakat'
so for those who does not pay 'zakat' yet, please make it fast
lastly drive carefully when go back to hometown..

Monday, August 23, 2010



  • 1 pound(0.45 Kilograms) sweet Italian sausage (without casing), cooked and crumbled
  • 1 pound(0.45 Kilograms) ricotta or cottage cheese
  • 1 pound(0.45 Kilograms) shredded Mozarella cheese
  • 1 large can sliced mushrooms
  • Lasagna noodles
  • Pam or other non-stick cooking spray
  • 2 small or 1 large jar spaghetti sauce ( Ragu's Super Mushroom is great, but use whatever is your favorite)
  • Parmesan or Romano cheese


  1. Boil enough noodles to make 4 layers in a 9x12 pan (I usually cook up about 2 boxes of 16.
  2. Separate and set aside your noodles.
  3. Mix together: sausage, ricotta (or cottage) cheese, Mozarella cheese and the mushrooms in a large bowl.
  4. Divide this mixture into three parts.
  5. Spray your pan with Pam or other nonstick cooking spray.
  6. Layer your lasagne in this order:

    1. 1/5 of the sauce on the bottom
    2. Enough noodles to cover the bottom of the pan on top of that
    3. 1/3 of the sausage and cheese mixture
    4. Repeat layers 1-3 two more times (you should be out of the sausage and cheese mixture)
    5. Another 1/5 jar of sauce
    6. Yet another layer of noodles
    7. The last of the sauce
    8. Sprinkle the top with Parmesan cheese
  7. Cover with foil.
  8. Cook for 40 min in a 350 degree oven.
  9. Uncover and cook until the Parmesan just starts to brown, about another 5 minutes or so depending on your oven.
  10. Let sit for 10 minutes before serving.

our comment about this article is lasagne is one of the italian food and love by people all around
the world regardless races and religion. lasagne is also one of the famous and well known food among people. the taste of the lasagne is so delicious and tasty. lasagne is so cheesey. it is very suitable for the people who loves cheese very much.

lasagne can be eaten anytime especially during breakfast,
lunch or dinner. this is because it is a nutritious food because it contains important vitamins for our body such as protein, carbohydrate and calcium.

lasagne can be made depends on our taste. some people might love to have a lot of ketchup in their lasagne while others love to use meat or chicken in order to replace sausage. the texture of lasagne is so crispy and sticky that we can feel the taste of the lasagne.

Iftar With Friends

Last week was very fun since all of BMD5BB are spending time together for iftar. It was a sudden plan for us to go out together. It happened last monday, that was 6th day of Ramadhan. The idea to go out was from one of us, that is Natt. She invited few people for iftar outside, but somehow the invitation spread out to the class and everybody wants to join it.

We discuss about the order of food in our insurance class that evening w
hen Miss Ilyani stopped her lecture. It was a lot of order since all 29 of us join it. We even invited Miss Ilyani to go out together with us, but she already has another plan that evening and could not join us.

We chose FF Tomyam as our destination. We don't have to arrive there early since we had already made our order through phone call. It was quite dissapointed that the restaurant serve the food too early, and it became cold by Maghrib time.. However, we are grateful that we have food to eat and everybody was enjoying themselves.

Here are some photos of us to be enjoyed!! :)

Everybody was so excited to eat.

The tables were split into two because it doesn't have enough space for all of us.

Waiting for Maghrib time patiently.

Iqbal, the class representative.


Monday, August 16, 2010


Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Ahlan Wa sahlan Wa Marhaban
Alhamdulillah and thank to Allah.
We are grateful that we could perform our third pillars of Islam and welcome Ramadhan once again this year. During this blessed month, lets us all together make it alive with tarawih praying, sadaqah, recite the al-Quran, helping the unfortunate ones, and don't forget to pay zakat.
We should fill our daily lives with good deeds.

To all Muslim out there, we should not waste our time with unnecessary things that could reduce our pahala during this Ramadhan month.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Online Shopping Anyone??

Today's entry, we're going to post two blogs that are selling goods online. For those who loves online shopping can check these blogs out!!

We are attracted to Shortales Bunny because it is a very cute blog. They are selling various of lady's product such as dresses, jackets, cardigans, tops, bags, belts, accessories and others.
The products that are for sale are very up to date, trendy and fashionable. We love the way they are promoting and presenting their products. For example, they make comparisons of their tops with the one that are worn by celebrities, which will attract many teenagers who makes celebrities as their idols to grab the items. They also make a close up on the products so that the potential customers can have a better view on the products. Shortales Bunny put details of ordering on their right side of the blog to ease the customers in making order and payment.

my Walking Wardrode (mWW) is another blog that selling interesting and fashionable products. They provide a lot of products such as bracelets, necklace, jackets, jeans, leggings, shawls, skirts, tops, clinchers, maxi dresses and more. mWW describes full details of the products such as length and weight of accessories and measurements of outfits. The customers will not be cheated and will be satisfied with the products because they had full information before purchase them. mWW provide an ordering form to ease the customers in making order and contact them.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

FrEsH BreAd fOr SALE!!!!

Our products of the week are freshly baked bread that came all the way from Kuantan..
We order the bread daily to maintain its freshness.
The breads that came with variety of flavour are so fresh and fluffy.
We have 6 types of bread that you can choose and it can last long within 3 days.
Your order will be delivered immediately.

Kaya bread

Red Bean Bread

Coconut Bread

Sugar Bread

Cheese Bread

~TaStE GoOD, fEeL BeTtEr~

Saturday, July 31, 2010


welcome to our yummy crispy crackers world..
EVERYONE!!lets grab our crispy crackers before tha sale over..
hurry up and grab it as fast as you could because we only have limited crackers to sell.
this crackers is available especially for all students and lecturers of UiTM Jengka, Pahang.
ONLY RM 1.50


ONLY RM 1.50


ONLY RM 2.50


ONLY RM 1.50




ONLY RM 1.50


ONLY RM 1.50